Thursday, May 17, 2012

Weight Loss

I am on a food hiatus apparently because me and my wonderful hubby are doing a new diet, 2 shakes of Body by Vi and a couple HEALTHY snacks (we've chosen fruit) and 1 meal for dinner.  I've also found that using is helping me too.  Or at least day two is going well! Body by Vi seems expensive but we did some research and if you use the two shakes a day plan then its about the same or even cheaper than what you could get at GNC.  Plus it has the least amount of calories than any I've found.  He also bought me at walmart the Jenny McCarthy exercise game for the Wii.  Its great! I've been doing the exercises with my daughter who's 8, its a great motivator when she can keep going and she's so sweet she cheers me on. "You can do it mama!"  So My first day I started at 165lbs and my BMI is at an unhealthy level at 30.15.  NOT something I'm proud of.  I LOVE baking and cooking but I have decided that I can do that periodically AFTER I get to my goal weight.  Now its just how long will it take to get there!  It will be hard to avoid sweets on my birthday coming up at the end of this month but I am going to do this! I might actually cheat but it won't be bad to cheat once in a while, so that I don't cheat too often later.  HA! We will I've added a pic of my before, now to wait it out for that after picture....I'm on pins and needles here!

6 weeks later!!! YEAH!! I lost 12 pounds already! If you want to lose some weight without exercising (Because I know I sure didn't have enough energy to start with) please go to mine and my hubby's website  Its awesome! and its low calorie so you can add sooo much to it and still be below your calorie intake for the day! There is even a site that gives you recipes for the shakes...TONS of recipes.  I'm feeling good!!

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