Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Italian biscuits

Found a recipe on that was amazing for the 7up biscuit.  Really that has to be the absolute best! Its 2 cups of biscuit mix, 1/2 cup of sour cream (I use plain yogurt cause my hubbs is lactose intollerant but he can have yogurt because the enzymes in yogurt eat the lactose) and 1/2 cup of 7 up and 4 tbsp. butter melted in a pan.
First you mix the biscuit mix and sour cream until you form little pea size balls and then you add the 7 up.  and mix until fully combined.  Knead 8 times with a little more biscuit mix and then cut with a floured knife into 8-12 biscuits, and place in pan over the melted butter.  Bake on 350 for 12 minutes or until the center of the biscuits are firm...please don't overcook as they don't taste as good.
So I had the BRILLIANT idea of making some of these for our woman's group for church one day and they were making spaghetti so I thought...ITALIAN.  So I doubled the recipe and added in the beginning with the dry mixture...
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. basil
1 cup of grated italian cheeses
Baked it in a 13x9 pan for 15-20 minutes.  They were sooo good and everyone wanted seconds! (Picture and original recipe that I found is from

1 comment:

  1. Looks good to me so these biscuits are on the menu for this week!
